Sunday, November 30, 2008

Goodbye a month's time

2008 somewhat was a memorable year for me. Unlike many others, I took some important steps in my life and I am certain those little steps are crucial for the bigger steps I have taken. My journey started when I was only 9 years old. Listening to the ceramahs at the famous old Esplanade with my late father, brought some sense into my life with regards to standing up to what you believe in. Today, I met many friends who had known me since Primary One and they somewhat knew my steps would have taken me there today. Will I ever consider running for office? That will be a difficult question. Without a mentor, it will be difficult. I wished he was alive today. I wished he was there at Red Rock Hotel listening to an acceptance speech. I wished he would not have left us so very early. I am adamant about the fact that many quarters are taking a big stride against the current state government. For me, I am willing to see it through. Why? After all, 18 years of rule is good enough.

So, March 8 came and went. All I want to say is that I am glad my journey started long ago before that. I am glad the journey has taken me from Penang to the US and back...and today, I am walking my talk and taking my journey. Mr Chew Hock Chye, I wished you were around. I wished you had the chance to see the new government coming to power. I am indebted for the chance you have instilled in. I miss you very much, dad.

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